Garage liability insurance provides coverage for property damage and bodily injury resulting from the operations of an auto garage operation. It is the most common way for dealerships to reduce the financial impact of a risk occurring. Why go through the hassle of creating an awesome dealership business if you are not going to protect your investment?
Related FAQs
The California DMV insurance does not require proof of insurance to get or keep your used car dealer license. Even though it is not mandatory, getting insurance can save you quite a lot of trouble in your day-to-day operations.
Garagekeepers Coverage is designed to protect against claims arising from physical damage to vehicles owned by others that are left in your care, custody, or control. This includes vehicles that are being serviced, repaired, stored, and test-driven. This is an optional coverage that can [...]
We personally assist each of our insureds with a loss control survey in order to minimize or remove risk exposures.
In rare instances, collision losses affect more than one dealership vehicle at the same time. For example, let’s say a motorist loses control of their vehicle in front of your dealership and collides with six or seven dealership vehicles. With the aggregate deductible in [...]